Digital Candlemaker's Handbook

Digital Candlemaker's Handbook


From the person with a slight curiosity about candlemaking as a fun hobby to the person with an interest in launching a candle business, everyone can find something useful within this comprehensive Candlemaker's Handbook. The first fun fact to know is that the official name for someone who makes candles is "chandler." You can think of Eden's Glow founder, Angel, as your Chandler Guide throughout this handbook. She'll be using her five years of experience as a chandler and small business owner to walk you through some of the information, tips, tricks, and techniques that have helped her most on her candlemaking journey.

This handbook is specifically designed to offer general tips for people pursuing candlemaking for their own enjoyment as well as more expansive and industry-specific tips for people starting, considering starting, or already running a candle business. In this guide you will find suggestions on things such as wax types and wicks and even tried and tested vendors and suppliers for individual or wholesale needs.